Multiplying Cigars by Arlen Studios

Each cigar is hand molded from a real cigar then cast in resin. Once molded, they are hand painted to look so real you might want to smoke one. The kit comes with three highly realistic cigars and one shell.




Tired of multiplying balls? How about multiplying Cigars? Yep, now you can apply all that ball knowledge to cigars with our hand made set of highly realistic cigars.

Each cigar is hand molded from a real cigar then cast in resin. Once molded, they are hand painted to look so real you might want to smoke one.

The kit comes with three highly realistic cigars and one shell.

These high quality cigars are great for vanishing and other manipulations as well. Those more nimble fingered will be able to multiply at the finger tips.

Like the multiplying billiard balls, a bit of practice is required to master finger tip productions but well worth the effort.

Though there are many different publications on cigar manipulation, the props come with a few routines by Keith to get you started and a list of other routine resources.

These cigars are perfectly balanced for super smooth handling.

Comes with two vintage cigar bands and instructions on how to attach them if you like or stay with the plain look.

Also includes ideas as to how to make your cigars appear to be smoking a bit during your routines as well as handling suggestions.

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This item has been discontinued and will no longer be avaible. Buy it now to carry the last of this product.

Additional information

Weight 0,40 kg

Each cigar is hand molded from a real cigar then cast in resin. Once molded, they are hand painted to look so real you might want to smoke one. The kit comes with three highly realistic cigars and one shell.


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